Freifunk Nordwest

Das Bürgernetz im Nordwesten

1. Juni 2011 19:48 Uhr
Identifying with a new project

It is always hard to identify with a new project and it is even harder if you don´t know if the project will be successfull. The plan is to build a new big freifunk node database and I got some input already. But at the same time I have my old database which I have to maintain beside working on the new database. The past weeks I collected information about the existing node databases in the freifunk comunity to get a picture in my mind of what already exists. And I can say you: this is a lot of data because every community has its own database and structure. In Oldenburg we also had heavy trouble (performance) with our Netmon database server but we managed to fix this now. The new database will probably be designed in Postgresql. I haven´t done any work with Postgresql till now but I already learned (reading documentation and testing database and visualisation tools) that it is a really heavy database but that the community is not as big as the community of mysql (which I used to develop till now). Hopefully I can give you a picture of what I have done till now in the next post.