Freifunk Nordwest

Das Bürgernetz im Nordwesten

9. Mai 2011 11:27 Uhr
My Google Summer of Code 2011 project

Hi Freifunk folks and Freifunk node database developers,

My name is Clemens John, I´m currently pupil till the end of July doing my A-Level, 21 years old, active member of the Freifunk Oldenburg Community since its foundation in 2009 and the developer of the Node Database Netmon. With the help of some other guys from Freifunk I´m going to design a consistent node database shema for freifunk as my first google summer of code projekt. Up to now every single Freifunk community ist developing its own node database to administrate and analyze its network. This is counterproductive because it binds development ressources that can better be spend in other projects. Onother problem is, that this fact makes it impossible to design global usable applications which are using the data from the node databases.

This failure will now be resolved. I´m going to design a common node databse shema, based on all existing node databases, that serves everyones wishes. This shema can then be integrated directly, or as API into the existing applications.

All Informations and updates willbe published here in the future. Informations concerning my project can be found at If you like to contact me, feel free to do it by email:
